• Sourate Zukhruf (l'ornement) évoque beaucoup saint 'Ali 'as


    Alors au verset 4 pour les sunnites et 5 si on considère que Bismillah est un premier verset.(la'aliyoun) explique que c'est vraiment 'Ali. 'as. En transliteration c'est Wa 'Innahu Fī 'Ummi Al-Kitābi Ladaynā La`alīyun Ĥakīmun. En traduction en sens rapprochés "Et vraiment c'est dans la Mère du Livre (ou des livres ?), avec Nous : 'Ali, un Homme sage". En anglais c'est vraiment plus clair : VERSE 4  "And surely it is in the Mother of the Book with Us for Ali, a Wise man" [43:4].‘I heard Abu Abdullah Al-Sadiqasws mentioning the merits of the Day of Al-Ghadeer and the supplication during it, up to the point where heasws said in the supplication: ‘So be a Witness, O myasws God that heasws is the Imamasws of Guidance, the Guide of the guided, Aliasws Amir-al-Momineenasws, whom Youazwj Mentioned in Yourazwj Book, so You 'azwj Said: And surely it is in the Mother of the Book with Us for Ali, a Wise man [43:4]’.7 قال: َ يم ِ ق َ ت ْ ُس َط الْم علي بن إبراهيم: حدثين أيب، عن محاد، عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(، يف قوله تعاىل: ال »هو أمري املؤمنني ِّصرا َكِ ٌّ ح ي ِ ل َ نا لَع ْ ي َ ِب لَد تا ِّم الْكِ ِيف أُ ُ نَّه ِ إ َ )صلوات اهلل عليه( و معرفته، و الدليل على أنه أمري املؤمنني قوله تعاىل: و ي ٌ م«. Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘My father narrated to me, Abu Abdullahasws regarding the Words of the Exalted: the Straight Path [1:6], heasws said: ‘It is Amir-al-Momineenasws and hisasws recognition, and the evidence that it is Amir-al-Momineen asws are the Words of the Exalted: And surely it is in the Mother of the Book with Us for Ali, a Wise man [43:4]’.8 حممد بن العباس: عن أمحد بن إدريس، عن عبد اهلل بن حممد بن عيسى، عن موسى بن القاسم، عن حممد بن علي بن جعفر، قال: مسعت الرضا )عليه السالم( و هو يقول: »قال أ نا ْ ي َ ِب لَد تا ِّم الْكِ ِيف أُ ُ نَّه ِ إ َ بو عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(، و قد تال هذه اآلية: و ، قال: علي بن أيب طالب )عليه السالم( ٌ يم َكِ ٌّ ح ي ِ ل َ لَع «. Muhammad Bin Al Abbas, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Abdullah Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Musa Bin Al Qasim, from Muhammad Bin Ali Bin Ja’far who said, ‘I heard Al Reza asws and heasws was saying: ‘Abu Abdullah asws said, and heasws had recited this verse: And surely it is in the Mother of the Book with Us for Ali, a Wise man [43:4], heasws said: ‘Ali Bin Abu Talibasws ’’.9 احلسن بن أيب احلسن الديلمي: بإسناده، عن رجاله إىل محاد السندي، عن أيب عبد اهلل )عليه السالم(، و قد سأله سائل عن ، قال: ٌ يم َكِ ٌّ ح ي ِ ل َ نا لَع ْ ي َ ِب لَد تا ِّم الْكِ ِيف أُ ُ نَّه ِ إ َ قول اهلل عز و جل: و »هو أمري املؤمنني )عليه السالم(«. Al Hassan Bin Abu Al Hassan Al Daylami, by his chain, from his men, going up to Hamad Al Sindy, ‘From Abu Abdullah asws, and a questioned had asked him asws about the Words of Allah 'azwj Mighty and Majestic: And surely it is in the Mother of the Book with Us, for 'Ali a Wise man [43:4], he asws said: ‘He asws is Amir Al Momineenasws’’. Selon le tafsir HubeAli en anglais voici en copié collé ci-dessus les différents saints Imams 'as avec des chaînes de transmission qui reprennent ce verset de la sourate l'Ornement et expliquent que ce verset 4 (5) est relatif à saint 'Ali... L'un des saints Imams 'as explique que le Jour d'al Ghadeer, après l'invocation d'al Ghadeer, qui stipule que "celui pour qui j'ai été le maître, 'Ali est désormais le maître'', et bien il y a aussi l'explication de ce verset de al Zukhruf ajoutée.


