• Qu'est ce que le saint Prophète a prononcé ?? Qu'a-t-il légué oralement comme discours ?? Voici des dizaines de preuves sunnites, oui SUNNITES, sahih... Le saint Prophète ('alayhi salam) a expliqué, d'après les ordres d'Allah Taala, qu'il laissait le saint Coran et "l'autre Coran vivant" : sa sainte Famille Purifiée : les Ahlou l Bayt, purifiés par le saint verset 33 de la sourate 33 qui ne comprend pas les femmes du saint Prophète mais uniquement les 5 (CINQ)... Ces 5 qui sont les OULI L AMR, les ouli l 'ilm... Voir mon article sur le hadith el kissa... Alors chez les sources sunnites il y a notamment "Moustadrak el Hakim" :


    «O vous les Ahl-ul-Bayt [les Gens de la Maison du Prophète] ! Allah veut seulement éloigner de vous la souillure, et vous purifier totalement.» Le Coran, Sourate al-Ahzâb, 33 : 33

    Le Saint Prophète a dit : 
    «Je suis sur le point d'être rappelé [par Allah] et de répondre [à ce Rappel]. Je vous laisse les Deux Poids [al-Thaqalayn] : le Livre d'Allah, et ma Famille, les Gens de ma Maison. Celui Qui est Doux [Allah] m'a informé qu'ils ne se sépareront pas jusqu'à ce qu'ils reviennent vers moi près du Bassin [le Jour du Jugement]. Regardez donc bien comment vous les traiterez après moi.» Cité par Ahmad ibn Hanbal.

    Selon al-Chibrâwî al-Châfi'î, dans son livre "Al-At-hâf bi-Hobb al-Achrâf": «Muslim, al-Tirmithî... et al-Hâkim... ont rapporté ce témoignage de Zayd ibn al-Arqam : "Un jour, le Messager d'Allah a prononcé un discours au milieu de nous. Après avoir loué et remercié Allah, il a dit : "O gens ! Je suis un être humain. Bientôt, un Messager de mon Seigneur viendra, et je répondrai. Je vous laisse les [deux] Thaqalayn : le premier est le Livre d'Allah, dans lequel il y a la Bonne Orientation et la Lumière. Prenez donc le Livre d'Allah et attachez-vous y fermement !" Et il ajouta : "Et les Gens de ma Maison. Je vous rappelle Allah par les Gens de ma Maison !"».

    Ce hadith al thaqalayn (des deux poids) a été rapporté par Ibn Hajar dans "al sawâ'iq".


    Ce hadith est également mentionné par Abû No'aym al-Içfahânî, dans "Manqabat al-Mutah-harîn", d'après la chaîne de Jubayr ibn Mat'am et celle d'al-Barâ' ibn 'Azib. Il est aussi relaté par Mawaffaq ibn Ahmad (le plus célèbre tribun de Khawârizm, citant 'Amr ibn al-'Aç. Il est rare qu'un Musnad ou un Jâmi' ou un livre d'hagiographie sunnite ne mentionne pas ce hadith, et ce depuis qu'il a été transmis de la mémoire des mémorisateurs aux Çuhûf (journaux) des traditionnistes, dans lesquels il est rapporté d'un Compagnon ou plus, et parfois de plus de vingt Compagnons, soit brièvement -comme dans "al-Çawâ'iq", ou accompagné des chaînes détaillées de transmetteurs, comme dans les oeuvres d'al-Sakhâwî, d'al-Çiyûtî, d'al-Samhûdî et de bien d'autres.

    Toujours selon al-Balâghî :

    «Les Imamites [les Chi'ites] l'ont aussi relaté dans leurs livres, en mentionnant leurs chaînes de transmetteurs concordantes, remontant à al-Bâqir, al-Redhâ, al-Kâdhim et al-Çâdiq, qui citaient leurs pères citant le Messager d'Allah, ainsi que d'autres chaînes remontant à Amîr al-Mu'minîn ['Alî ibn Abî Tâlib], 'Umar, Ubay ibn Jâbir, Abû Sa'îd, Zayd ibn al-Arqam, Zayd ibn Thâbit, Huthayfah ibn 'Usayd, Abû Hurayrah et bien d'autres, citant le Messager d'Allah.


    D'après al-'Allâmah al-Fairûzabâdî, le hadith de Thaqalayn a été relaté par : Muslim dans son "Çahîh", Ahmad ibn Hanbal dans son "Çahîh" (tome IV, p. 366), al-Bahayqî dans ses "Sunan" (tome II, p. 148 et tome VII, p.30) al-Darâmî dans ses "Sunan" (tome II, p. 45 et tome VII p. 102), al-Tahâwî dans "Muchkil al-Athâr" (tome IV, p. 368), al-Tirmithî dans son "Çahîh"tome II, p. 308), Ibn al-Athîr al-Jazarî dans "Asad al-Ghâbah" (tomeII, p. 12), al-Çiyûtî dans "al-Dur al-Manthûr" en marge du tafsîr (exégèse) du Verset d'al-Mawaddah (Sourate al-Chûrâ). Il est égalementrelaté dans "Mustadrak al-Çahîhayn" (tome III, p. 109). L'a relatéégalement al-Nisâ'î (ou Nasâ'î) dans ses "Khaçâ'iç" (p. 21), et dans"Mustadrak al-Çahîhayn" (tome III, p. 148), ainsi que dans "MusnadAhmad ibn Hanbal" (tome III, p. 17) où il est rapporté du Prophète par Abû Sa'îd al-Khidrî :

    «Je suis sur le point d'être rappelé et de répondre [à ce rappel]; je vous laisse les Thaqalayn : le Livre d'Allah - Il est Puissant et Glorifié- et ma Famille. Le Livre d'Allah, une corde tendue du Ciel à la terre, et ma Famille, les Gens de ma Maison. Celui Qui est Doux m'a informé qu'ils ne se sépareront pas jusqu'à ce qu'ils reviennent vers moi auprès du Bassin. Regardez donc bien comment vous vous comporterez avec eux après moi.»

    Ce hadith est relaté aussi par Ahmad ibn Hanbal dans son "Musnad" (tome IV, p. 371 et tome V, p. 181), Abû No'aym dans "Hulyat al-Awliyâ'" (tome I, p. 355), et "Kanz al-'Ummâl" (tome I, p. 96), al-Haythamî dans son "Majma'" (tome IX, p. 64 et tome IX, p. 163) et dans "al-Çawâ'iq al-Muhriqah" d'Ibn Hajar (p. 75).

    Le hadith des deux poids et les 2 poids (ou CHARGES) cités dans le saint Coran (sourate ar Rahman, sourate 55, verset 31...

    Les deux charges qui sont évoquées dans la sourate ar Rahman sont les deux poids : saint Coran Vivant dans l'Ahlou l Bayt (les 12 Imams ('as) et le saint Coran en livre...



    Voici deux vidéos de deux frères qui, il me semble, n'ont aucun agenda politique, ne poursuivent pas du tout un but de s'attribuer quelque gloire, et ne cherchent qu'à informer, à transmettre les preuves en recherchant aussi dans les sources sunnites :


    (il y a l'épisode un aussi)...



    Un hadith du livre de Sulaym el Hilali, le hadith numéro 61 qui explique ce qui se passa lorsque le Prophète ('alayhi salam) était mourant... Voici le lien de fichier pdf pour ce livre :
    Ce qui est très important dans ce hadith est le fait que le saint Prophète 'as a fait partir toutes ses épouses car il a bien précisé qu'il ne voulait que son Ahlou  l Bayt 'as près de lui... Là-dessus les deux qui se sont opposées à cela et qui sont malgré tout restées en désobéissant sont Hafsa et Aïcha... Mais comme le saint Prophète a insisté et a redit qu'il ne voulait que son Ahlou l Bayt elles furent obligées de quitter l'endroit où était le Prophète... """"Sulaym says: "I asked Abdullah ibn Abbas when Jabir ibn Abdullah Ansari
    was sitting next to him: ("Were you present at the time of the passing away
    of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W)?") He replied: (("Yes. When the Holy Prophet
    (S.A.W) became very ill, he called every man and woman, and that child
    who understood, of Bani Abdul Muttalib, and after gathering them he did not
    let anyone else enter, except Zubayr who was let in because of Safiyya, and 
    Umar ibn Abi Salmah, and Usama ibn Zayd. Then he said: ["These three are
    from us ahlulbayt"] and said: ["Usama is my friend and is from us."] At that
    time the Holy prophet (S.A.W) had appointed Usama the leader of an army
    and gave him a standard (flag). Abu Bakr and Umar also were in that army,
    and they both said: {("He is not agreeing, and he is making this child, who is
    a slave, a leader over us.")} He (Usama) asked permission from the Holy
    Prophet (S.A.W) to enter, so that he could greet him and leave, and this
    happened when Bani Hashim were gathered, so he entered with them. Abu
    Bakr and Umar asked permission from Usama so that they could greet the
    Holy Prophet (S.A.W) so Usama gave them permission.
    When Usama entered with us, and he was included among the middle ones
    of Bani Hashim and the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) loved him very much, the
    Holy Prophet (S.A.W) told his women: ["You women go away from here
    and leave me and my ahlulbayt."] Everyone, except Ayeshah and Hafsa, left.
    The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) looked at both of them and said: ["You both get
    up and leave me and my ahlulbayt."] Ayeshah got up, holding the hand of
    Hafsa, and walked out in anger saying: (["We have left you and them
    alone."]) Both entered the house of the sticks.
    The Holy Prophet (S.A.W) said to Ali (a.s): ["O my brother, make me sit
    down."] So Ali (a.s) made him sit down leaning him towards his (Ali's)
    chest. Then the Holy prophet (S.A.W) thanked and praised Allah and said:
    ["O Bani Abdul Muttalib, fear Allah and worship Him. You all hold to the
    rope of Allah, do not separate and do not dispute. No doubt, Islam has been
    founded on five things: Wilayat (Guardianship), Salat (prayer), Zakat (poorrate),
    Fasting in Ramadhan, and Hajj (pilgrimage). In this, Wilayat is for
    Allah and His Prophet, and for those mumineen who pay Zakat in the state of
    Ruku' (bowing down): {'And whoever takes Allah and His Apostle and those
    who believe for a guardian, then surely the Party of Allah are they that shall
    be triumphant.'} (Surah Maidah: 56)"}
    Ibn Abbas said: ("Salman, Miqdad and Abu Dhar came and the Holy Prophet
    (S.A.W) gave them permission with the Bani Abdul Muttalib.")
    Salman said: {("O Messenger of Allah, is it for all mumineen generally or is
    it for some special mumineen?")} He replied: ["For some mumineen,
    specially. These are those people whom Allah has connected to Himself and 
    His Prophet in many verses of Quran."]
    He asked: {("O Messenger of Allah, who are those mumineen?")} He
    replied: ["The first one, the most meritorious and the best of all is this my
    brother Ali ibn Abu Talib."] and he kept his hand on Ali's (a.s) head. ("After
    him my this son."] and he kept his hand on Hasan's (a.s) head. ["Then, after
    him, my this son."] and he kept his hand on Husayn's (a.s) head, ("and nine
    Awsiya who will be from the children of Husayn, one after another. These
    are Allah's strong rope and are His 'Urwatul Wuthqa. These are all an
    authority of Allah on His creation, and they are all witness on His earth.
    Whoever obeys them has obeyed Allah and myself, and whoever disobeys
    them has disobeyed Allah and myself. These are all with the Book and the
    Book is with them. The Book will not separate from them and they will not
    separate from the Book until they both reach me at the Fountain.
    O Bani Abdul Muttalib, surely after me, you people will experience
    calamities from the oppressors of Quraysh, the ignorant people of Arab and
    the evil ones, and they will over power you, humiliate you and will surround
    you, will be jealous of you and will bear enmity towards you. So you all be
    patient until you meet me. Surely, O Bani Abdul Muttalib, whoever meets
    Allah in a manner that he believes in Tawheed (Oneness), and accepts my
    Prophethood, Allah will make him enter Paradise and will accept his weak
    deeds and forgive his sins.
    O Bani Abdul Muttalib, I have seen twelve men of Quraysh on my pulpit.
    All of them are misguided, and are misguiding, and are calling my Ummah
    towards Hell and will make them go in reverse from the Path. Two people
    will be from two families of Quraysh. They both will have sins equal to the
    sins of the entire Ummah, and their punishment will be equal to the
    punishment of the entire Ummah. Ten will be from Bani Umayyah and from
    the ten, two will be from the children of Harb ibn Umayyah. The remaining
    of them will be from children of Abul Aas ibn Umayyah. From my ahlulbayt
    there will be twelve Imams of guidance. All of them will be those calling
    towards paradise. Ali, Hasan and Husayn and nine from the children of
    Husayn, one by one. The Imam and the father of them all is Ali. I am Imam
    of Ali, and Imam of them all. They will all be with the Book and the Book
    will be with them. 
    It will not separate from them all, and they all will not separate from the
    Book until all of them reach me at the Fountain.
    O Bani Abdul Muttalib, obey Ali, follow his footsteps, befriend him, do not
    oppose him, keep away from his enemies, respect him, help him and remain
    behind him so that you achieve the right aim and get guidance and be
    O Bani Abdul Muttalib, obey Ali. If I hold the chain of the door of Heaven,
    and if that door opens for me towards Allah, so I prostrate and Allah tells
    me: "Raise your head" and tells me to ask and He shall fulfill it, "and you
    intervene, and your intervention will be accepted" then I will not leave
    anyone of you behind."]
    All said: [{"O Messenger of Allah, we heard you and obeyed you."}]
    Then he turned towards Ali (a.s) and said: ["O my brother, soon Quraysh
    will over power you and all will unite and oppress, and will apply pressure
    on you, so if you get helpers then you fight against them, if you do not get
    helpers, then you restrain your hand and save your blood. Beware,
    martyrdom is behind you, May Allah curse your killer."]
    Then he turned towards his daughter and said: ["You are the first one in my
    ahlulbayt who will meet me, and you are the leader of the women of
    Paradise. Soon, after me, you will be oppressed and forced and you will be
    bitten and your rib will be broken. May Allah curse your killer, and curse the
    one who ordered it and also curse those who became happy, and also curse
    those who help him and those who over power you, and curse the oppressor
    of your husband, and curse also those who oppress your children.
    And you, O Hasan, the Ummah will cheat you. If you find helpers then you
    fight against them, otherwise restrain your hand and save your blood
    because surely martyrdom is behind you. May Allah curse your killer and
    curse be on those who help him because the one who kills you is a ‘waladu
    zinah’ (an illegitimate child), his father is also a 'waladu zinah' and his
    father's father is also a 'waladu zinah'. We ahlulbayt are those for whom
    Allah has chosen Aakhirah and has disliked this world for us."] 
    Then the Messenger of Allah turned towards ibn Abbas and said: ["Be
    aware, that from Bani Umayyah when ten out of them will have ruled, the
    first one to come then will be destroyed by the hand of one of your children,
    so let your children fear Allah and look after my children and family,
    because this world has not remained for anyone before us and it will not
    remain for anyone after us. Our kingdom is the final one of all kingdoms and
    there will be one day of two days and each year will have two years, and
    from myself and my children, he will fill the earth with peace and justice in
    the same manner that it will be filled with oppression and injustice."]")
    Hadith No. 62
    Sulaym says: “I heard Salman saying: “I said: O Messenger of Allah, before
    you, Allah did not send any prophet without a wasi (trustee), so O
    Messenger of Allah, who is your wasi?” He replied: “O Salman, at the
    moment I have not had anything from Allah in this connection.”
    He waited for a few days and said to me: “O Salman, information has come
    from Allah about what you asked me. O Salman, I declare you witness -
    Indeed, Ali ibn Abi Talib is my wasi, my brother, my inheritor, my vizier and
    is in my family, my caliph and after me, he is the guardian of all mumineen,
    who will finish my responsibilities, pay my dues, and fight on my tradition.
    O Salman, Allah glanced on earth and chose me from those people he
    glanced again and chose my brother Ali and commanded me, so I married
    him to the leader of the women of Paradise. Then He looked for the third
    time and chose Fatimah and Awsiya - my sons Hasan and Husayn and the
    remaining from the children of Husayn. These are all with the Quran and
    Quran is with them. Neither will it separate from them nor will they separate
    from it like this (and he showed by joining two index fingers of his two
    hands), until they all reach me at the Fountain, one after another."""

  • Si vous voulez le livre qui raconte les six derniers mois de la vie de sainte Fatima, Fille du saint Prophète, lisez ce livre écrit par Abbas al Qummy :

    This is from Abbas al Qummy and this is the book of sorrows. And it's written when the Prophet died and after or during the Saqifa's events...


  • Savez-vous que la servante nommé Fiddah RA, de la Fille bien Aimée du saint Prophète ('alayhi salam) ne parlait qu'en utilisant le saint Coran, et ce pendant plus de vingt ans... Voici un extrait d'une conversation entre elle (Fiddah) et un dénommé Abdullah Mubarak. Qu'Allah Taala bénisse la servante Fiddah. Cet extrait est issu de kitab "House of sorrows" de Abbas el Qummi... (La Maison des plaintes) de Abbas el Qummi qui retrace la vie de Fatima ('alayha salam).

    Voici le lien libre et gratuit de lecture en fichier pdf (mais en anglais). Il va falloir que vous vous remettiez à l'anglais si vous aimez apprendre sur le chiisme car beaucoup de livres sont en anglais ou en arabe...



    La servante de sainte Fatima, ('alayha salam) ne parlait que coraniquement...La servante de sainte Fatima, ('alayha salam) ne parlait que coraniquement...

    Références sunnites pour le hadith dit "el kissa", dit aussi "hadith du manteau yéménite du saint Prophète ('alayhi salam) :
    Références sunnites:
    (1) Sahih Tirmidhi, v2, p298, v5, p63 
    (2) Sunan Ibn Maja, v1, pp 12,43 
    (3) Khasa'is, par al-Nisa'i, pp 4,21 
    (4) al-Mustadrak, par al-Hakim, v2, p129, v3, pp 109-110,116,371 
    (5) Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, v1, pp 84,118,119,152,330, v4, pp 281,368,370, 372,378, v5, pp 35,347,358,361,366,419 (40 chaînes de narrateurs) 
    (6) Fada'il al-Sahaba, par Ahmad Hanbal, v2, pp 563,572 
    (7) Majma' al-Zawa'id, par al-Haythami, v9, p103 
    (8) Tafsir al-Kabir, parFakhr al-Razi, v12, pp 49-50
    (9) Tafsir al-Durr al-Manthur, par al-Hafiz Jalaluddin al-Suyuti, v3, p19 
    (10) Tarikh al-Khulafa, par al-Suyuti, pp 169,173 
    (11) al-Bidayah wal-Nihayah, par Ibn Kathir, v3, p213, v5, p208 
    (12) Usdul Ghabah, par Ibn Athir, v4, p114 
    (13) Mushkil al-Athar, par al-Tahawi, v2, pp 307-308 
    (14) Habib al-Siyar, par Mir Khand, v1, part 3, p144 
    (15) Sawaiq al-Muhriqah, par Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, p26 
    (16) al-Isabah, par Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, v2, p509; v1, part1, p319, v2, part1, p57, v3, part1, p29, v4, part 1, pp 14,16,143 
    (17) Tabarani, Ibn Umar, Malik Ibn al-Hawirath, Habashi Ibn Junadah, Jari, Sa'd Ibn Abi Waqqas, Anas Ibn Malik, Ibn Abbas, Amarah,Buraydah,... 
    (18) Tarikh, par al-Khatib Baghdadi, v8, p290 
    (19) Hilyatul Awliya', par al-Hafiz Abu Nu'aym, v4, p23, v5, pp26-27 
    (20) al-Istiab, par Ibn Abd al-Barr, Chapitre "ayn" (Ali), v2, p462 
    (21) Kanzul Ummal, par al-Muttaqi al-Hindi, v6, pp 154,397 
    (22) al-Mirqat, v5, p568 
    (23) al-Riyad al-Nadirah, par al-Muhib al-Tabari, v2, p172 
    (24) Dhaka'ir al-Uqba, par al-Muhib al-Tabari, p68 
    (25) Faydh al-Qadir, par al-Manawi, v6, p217 
    (26) Yanabi' al-Mawaddah, par al-Qudoozi al-Hanafi, p297 
    Et il y en a pleins d'autres...

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